“Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions linked to our archive of Addis Law Newsletters that provide valuable insight

What are the risks of using Independent Contractors to fill jobs in my business that I can’t fill with traditional employees?

Can my company legally create a policy to prohibit workplace romances?

Are their laws regarding overtime pay?

As a business owner, I want to take a stand on on public policy or legislative issues that matter to me.  Is my business protected under Free Speech?

I want my company to reward employees for doing a good job by giving them gift cards, incentives and door prizes. Are these types of gifts taxable?

How can my business navigate all of the uncertainty in an election year?

Does my business have to pay taxes on Christmas Bonuses?  Are there some tax-free options I can consider to reward employees?

Is it okay to use the term “Merry Christmas” to my fellow co-workers?

Are there consequences to my business as it relates to giving away candy and flowers for Valentine’s Day?

What impact will the 2024 Presidential Election have on businesses?

As an employer, can I ban fraternization (dating) in the workplace?

What can my company do to prevent harassment claims (celebrations that do not cross the line) while celebrating Valentine’s Day appropriately?

What are the most common things people hate about Lawyers?

It seems like there is a holiday for just about everything. Can I legally create my own holiday?

Aren’t trick or treaters technically trespassing on my property as well as blackmailing me to get free candy?

I’ve made a new year’s resolution to lose weight and get fit. Those commercials that promise quick weight loss and more look pretty tempting.  Can I sue one of those weight loss company if I don’t lose the weight I want?